This is a place you can write your Name and Address to be a Volunteer Host for a single immigrant or an immigrant family.
This is a place you can write your thoughts about what you would do, what policies your would pursue if you were President. IF I WERE PRESIDENT
THE COUNTRY OF North America
If I were President I would talk about the fact that China and Russia are big countries and about the possibilities of The United States becoming a bigger country by joining together with Canada, and Mexico in education. We need friends and goodwill , not enemies.
Shary Koenig. “A government OF, BY, and FOR The People. We’ve lost that and we want it back.”
I dream that if we had a nurturing president she could inspire the world citizens to do the right thing and that improvements would become reality by people’s free efforts instead of forced by law. A central figure like the president could get THE TIDE OF CHANGE happening.
If I were president I would use the tools of communication to trigger the Tide Of Change. Using television and internet communication to open a dialogue with the people in a direct and personal manner. Both weekly and monthly dialogue could finally let the public’s voices be heard, let the questions and answers of the public be heard.
If I were President I would marshal the talents of the most persuasive, impelling members of our society to convince those who have turned to greed to change their mind set and come back to our world of generosity. Money is power, but it is not the only kind of power. In today’s world a few greedy individuals have amassed such giant and powerful fortunes that they are ruining life for the rest of us. People have power by their actions and manner of communication. People can effect a positive change in the face of money power.
After WWII the United States gained a reputation of generosity and kindness toward a war torn world. We have lost that reputation but, We, The People can turn this problem around
If I were President I would put Education first. It is the keystone of solving all problems. I would double the number of teachers and cut in half the number of students in a classroom. You can see how many jobs this would create. I would open the lines of communication between the teachers and the president. I would encourage discussion in the classroom on a wide range of subjects: what subjects and interests the students have, civic responsibility, study of the constitution, the difference between greed and generosity, morals, ethics, what is the right thing to do, equality, practical instruction for topics like, “how to fill in a tax form”.
In my weekly and monthly publicly broadcasted chats I will continue the discussion about education.
If I were President I would gear up, organize, define the problems and find the solutions before we run out of time, before we become extinct. To gain people’s interest, to help people focus, to become a united front on this perilous journey I would broadcast the many accurate and powerful documentaries that have been produced on the subject, let them be seen in public schools, teach about every facet of climate in our classrooms.
If I were president I would talk about ideas for a new voting system in my weekly and monthly televised chats. We could have a special vote to see if the majority of people want improvements on our voting system and an avenue in which to express their opinions on changing the system. The people could decide if they want any changes, they could have a voice on the questions of sizes and shapes of voting districts, eliminating the electoral college, creating an election by the majority, gaining the right to vote on issues through out the year and not just for elected officials.
The people who earn less than 2 hundred thousand are paying a little less than half of the sum collected in taxes. These people have a harder time living after they pay their taxes and many of these people have a difficult time keeping up with their house payments, car payments and groceries.
Meanwhile too many of the people who earn millions or billions of dollars per year are not paying any taxes. So it is the people who earn less than a million who are supporting the government. People who don’t pay taxes are cheating and if I were President I would create a fair tax system and I would use the tax system to turn the tide of greed to generosity.
Another big problem with our tax system is for people in the middle class tax bracket who are over age 70 and still working. If these 70 year olds have to work let them keep all of their earnings. they need them.
There are many people in the million dollar range who don’t need their social security check. I would provide an avenue for these people to donate their check to someone living at the bottom of the pay scale. Perhaps this action wouldn’t be forever, but only while the baby boomers are moving through retirement and old age.
If I were President I would talk about the fact that China and Russia are big countries and about the possibilities of The United States becoming a bigger country by joining together with Canada, and Mexico in education. We need friends and goodwill , not enemies.
If I were President I would strive to build a strong bicycle culture not unlike the bicycle culture found in Netherlands and Belgium. I want to give a vision to all Americans of bike trails crisscrossing the country, bike trails leading from suburbia to our cities, bike trails leading from our farms and countryside into small towns, bike trails leading from our homes to every public school.
We could have a special vote and if the people are supportive of this idea we could build a bike trail along every new road construction. Bike trails could be built in our National Parks every time they repair their roads.
Make bicycling safe and you will save on carbon emissions, and build a healthy populace.
If I were President I would legalize drugs, which would empty out the prisons, and would free up enough money to institute drug education in the schools, treatment centers for addicts, job training for alternative life styles to drugs, and it would stop the transport of drugs across our boarders.